Wanderer Tag: weekend



The Government announced on February 22 that all Covid restrictions are due to be lifted as from June 21 – let’s hope there is no postponement. Your National Committee realised that the original dates (June 9 – 13) would have required no more than 30 Wanderer folk attending, social distancing, and masks.      WandererFest is not the sort of event where social distancing and masks can be comfortably coped with to comply with the regulations.       Thanks to a lot of checking of this and that, involving Robin Gabbitas and Ray Tennant, including High Water times, the availability of the field at Cobnor, the use of the Bosham SC facilities at Cobnor, the marquee, and our own special loos, it is with great relief that we can announce that WANDERERFEST 2021 will now take place between THURSDAY and SUNDAY JULY 8 and 11. This is line with the guidance agreed at the

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Try-A-Wanderer 2021

Join us in Marlow, which is the home club for John and Jenny Renouf, the Chariman and Membership Secretary, to have a go sailing a Wanderer on the Thames. It is probably the most relaxed club in the country on the grassy banks upstream from Bisham Abbey. Launching and recovery is a doddle. There is no fixed agenda….. we tinker with our boats and exchange tips and then have some fun sailing which starts when someone shouts “Go”.

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