John’s Jottings Feb 21

A message from the Chairman of the Wanderer Class Owners Association UK
Well, we finally made it into 2021!
I don’t recall a new year being so eagerly anticipated, but now it’s here we find that not much has changed so far as the pandemic is concerned. We have still more lock-down restrictions, although these are now offset by the hope of a successful roll-out of the various vaccines. Nevertheless, I hope that this message finds you safe and well.
This magazine issue is to provide you with the necessary information for our Annual General Meeting. This will take place using the Zoom platform so that you can attend from the comfort of your own home. You will receive an invitation to the email we have on record for your membership or by post where we do not have one. Your membership details we have on file are enclosed with this edition so please take a moment to check these are correct and return the form in good time so we get this to the right place.
The National Committee has already met successfully a couple of times using Zoom, and I am confident that we shall be able to have a useful and successful AGM in the same way. The only thing that we will miss is the opportunity for face-to-face interaction, but hopefully this meeting will be a one off and we shall be back to normal next year.
You will see from this post that the meeting will take its usual format. The only regular feature that will not take place is the presentation of awards. With no Championship sailing events taking place in 2020 there is no overall winner. Similarly, with no events on the water there has been no opportunity for any misdemeanour worthy of the Barry Hillier Clanger. If this comes as a relief to you in case we found out about an individual mishap then the best that I suggest is that you keep quiet about it! Jill Davies has similarly decided not to award the Ian Proctor Memorial Trophy this year, but we look forward to normal service being resumed in the future.
Included with this magazine will be an invitation to renew your membership of the Association. The fee remains unchanged at £22 having been at this level for many years, The Committee deliberated on whether to offer a fee reduction for 2021 in view of the limited activity in 2020 but, on balance, decided not to as to do so would require a disproportionate amount of administration work. You will find the rationale elsewhere in this issue.
Finally, you will see that we have a packed programme of events planned throughout the season, including some new venues. Whilst we are very pleased about this, each event is subject to review of the pandemic restrictions in effect at the time so are vulnerable to cancellation. Please bear this in mind when making your attendance plans.
I look forward to seeing you at the AGM and, hopefully, at an event during the year.
Stay safe and well.
– John Renouf, Association Chairman