2021 Event Calendar is Coming Together

What we’ve got planned for 2021
After a totally blank 2020, save for the winter reunion, otherwise known as the AGM, on February 29 at the last London Dinghy Show to be held at Alexandra Palace, I have re-assembled the main elements of what was the 2020 programme and, tides permitting, have planned an event in every month from April through to October.
I am especially grateful to the support I have readily gained from those WCOA members who are called local organisers, usually members of the host club, who put in the effort to make sure the event goes ticketty-boo.
Finding a decent sailing venue has to go hand in hand with finding somewhere nearby to fill our boots on the Saturday evening. The exception is the Marlow SC picnic – please bring your own daytime grub – and WandererFest where, aside from your own personal catering on site, we have the legendary Saturday night multiple Curry’n’KormaFest from the kitchens of the nearby Memories of India restaurant and brought to Cobnor Field in giant pots and pans by Robin Gabbitas driving his Land Rover over the rough ground with more care than usual.
NORs (Notice of Race) and SIs (Sailing Instructions) for the racing events will be issued in due course and will appear on the Events’ pages. Please RSVP through the event pages to ensure your place is secured.
I hope there is something for every kind of Wanderer sailor in this 2021 programme. I look forward to seeing you all in the next year.
Cheers for now, and keep clear of the dreaded lurgy –PM