Following the Downing Street announcement on the 14th June postponing Step 4 scheduled for June 21, I am pleased to report that the next two WCOA events – Whitstable and WandererFest – the first since September 2019, excluding the AGMs – will be going ahead.
Firstly, Richard reports from Whitstable YC:
The continuing restrictions will not be a problem for sailing or club social life under the May 18 provisions. I will notify visitors coming to WYC for the June 26 Open as to the club’s arrangements prior to the event. Please use this link for the current situation at the club.
Secondly, the WandererFest organizing team had a Zoom meeting last week to consider all the elements of WandererFest and agreed to proceed with the event.
It appears that there is nothing to change the conclusion that we reached last week, namely that WandererFest can go ahead with some generally common-sense precautions.
The following points remain relevant:
- Camping units will be regarded as individual groups and responsible for their own hygiene/sanitising and distancing measures.
- Events under WCOA control are the daily briefings and any collective activities in the main field, the boat park, and the slipway/launching beach.
- We don’t know for sure how many attendees we will have but if daily briefings are likely to exceed 30 attendees then we will limit attendance at the briefings to dinghy helms only, or split the attendees into two groups and run the briefing twice (though this is less practical due to the extra time it will take).
- For activities in the main field, the boat park, and during launch and recovery we will emphasise that each boat crew is responsible for its own distancing from other crews.
- A second marquee (plus tables and chairs) is being kindly supplied by a new WCOA member.
- An outstanding point is confirmation is still awaited whether the site shower block will be available for our use.
- Non-members are welcome but will be expected to join WCOA on arrival. Whilst WCOA will pay for the Chichester Harbour sticker for each boat, camping, parking and boat-space fees are due from all attendees in accordance with the prevailing Beale Estate tariff.
- We can only accept cash or cheques and have no means of accepting electronic payment for site-related fees.
All we ask you now, please, is RSVP, confirming your intention to attend WandererFest and the size of your party.
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