Wanderer Events Update

The government’s latest relaxation of the lockdown rules prompted your Chairman and the Events Coordinator to review, along with the local event organisers, the status of the five remaining WCOA events for the 2020 season.
From the Class Association’s perspective the committee has agreed that no WCOA-sponsored event can take place until all social distancing regulations have been lifted.
In due course the event organisers for Arnside SC, Cotswold SC, River Dart Laidback Weekend, Swakestone SC, Bewl Sailing Association will be notifying me of their club’s/organiser’s decisions to go-ahead or otherwise, particularly with regard to visitors as well as other remaining lockdown regulations. These will be circulated in the Wanderer Event Update email and all the details will be kept up to date on the events page.
There is no way that the WCOA, with or without the personnel resources, wants the responsibility for compliance with prevailing lockdown regulations or bear any responsibility for health and wellbeing of its members whilst social distancing needs to be practised.
A glum conclusion…yes, but we think it is the right one and is not open to any varying interpretation. Once social distancing has been completely lifted, then we can be Sailing with Friends without any hindrance.
We hope that the WCOA viewpoint will be positively recognised – if hardly welcomed – by all WCOA members.