2021 Event Calendar is Coming Together
What we’ve got planned for 2021 After a totally blank 2020, save for the winter reunion, otherwise known as the AGM, on February 29 at the last London Dinghy Show to be held at Alexandra Palace, I have re-assembled the main elements of what was the 2020 programme and, tides permitting, have planned an event in every month from April through to October. I am especially grateful to the support I have readily gained from those WCOA members who are called local organisers, usually members of the host club, who put in the effort to make sure the event goes ticketty-boo. Finding a decent sailing venue has to go hand in hand with finding somewhere nearby to fill our boots on the Saturday evening. The exception is the Marlow SC picnic – please bring your own daytime grub – and WandererFest where, aside from your own personal catering on site, we