Tel: 01793 751551 Website: www.cotswoldsailingclub.org COTSWOLD SAILING CLUB Lake 9 Cerney Wick Lane Cotswold Water Park GL7 5QJ Wanderer Meeting to be sailed for the INLAND CHAMPIONS 18th and 19th September 2021 NOTICE OF RACE 1. RULES 1.1. The regatta will be governed by current rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2021 to 2024. 1.2. RYA prescriptions to the Racing Rules of Sailing as well as Cotswold Sailing Club rules and byelaws will apply. 1.3. The Sailing Instructions will apply. 1.4. RRS 40.1 applies at all times when competitors are afloat. 2. ADVERTISING 2.1 Boats are permitted to display advertising under ISAF Regulation 20 3. ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY 3.1. The regatta is open to all boats of the Wanderer class whose helm or crew is a fully paid-up member of the WOCA at the time of entry. 3.2 Registration will