WandererFest 2020 Cancellation
It is with regret that the Association has taken the decision to cancel WandererFest 2020. You are, of course, well-aware of the disruption caused to all outdoor activities by the social distancing and travel restrictions imposed by the government in their efforts to control the pandemic that have resulted in the cancellation of all WCOA events so far this year. Whilst the restrictions are gradually easing and it is becoming possible to return to the water, the Committee feels that even if, by early July, group gatherings are once again permitted the likely requirements for social distancing and other measures to prevent the transmission of infection (that are still to be confirmed) will have a detrimental effect to the smooth running of WandererFest and necessitate close supervision of activites and facilities to ensure full compliance with requirements. This will place an undesirable burden on the organising team and detract from